Sam Allen Board Effectiveness Review

Sam Allen Associates works in accordance with The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland and commits to applying the principles of the code in our Board Effectiveness Reviews. Below summarises Sam Allen Associates’ application of the Code’s key principles which, in conjunction to our company values, guide to our approach to Board Effectiveness Reviews.

Our primary purpose in undertaking the Board Performance Review is to help the Board continuously to improve both its own performance and the performance of the company. Sam Allen Associates has a reputation for being ‘straight talking’, always prioritising what is right for the client’s business, rather than a ‘box ticking’ governance exercise. As such we expect the same level of transparency and objectivity from our clients. As part of our engagement in the process, clients commit to cooperating to the process, accepting our unbiased perspective and preserving the integrity of the process.

The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland

Code of Practice for Board Reviews - Principles

Competence and capacity

Sam founded Sam Allen Associates in 2009 with the objective of delivering exceptional outcomes and service to clients and candidates. Following Sam’s career in industry as a PLC Board member, she then moved into Executive Search with Whitehead Mann then Boyden as Managing Partner. Since founding Sam Allen Associates Sam has created highly regarded, boutique firm with a capable team to support her on the delivery of Board Effectiveness Reviews, Executive Search and Board services. Sam personally leads each Board Effectiveness Review supported by a small team who are selected based on their experience, passion and capacity to deliver exceptional outcomes to the client. The team working alongside Sam on the delivery of the Board Effectiveness Review will be introduced to the potential client at the briefing stage to ensure a good chemistry is also achieved.

Independence and integrity

Sam Allen Associates’ first value is ‘we operate with integrity’ and subsequently we take our independence, and perceived independence, very seriously. Sam Allen Associates offers a range of Board Services including Search, Board Effectiveness Review and ancillary services. Upon commencement of a project (of whichever nature) Sam Allen Associates will discuss any conflicts of interest, potential, actual or perceived with the client to ensure both parties are completely satisfied. In the event a conflict of interest does arise, which cannot be resolved internally with the team available, Sam Allen Associates would step down from the engagement to ensure the best interests of both companies are preserved.

Client Engagements

Upon commencement of a Board Effectiveness Review project Sam Allen Associates would agree the formal length of the Board Effectiveness Review (the ‘relationship’) as part of the terms and conditions. However, we would remain available for further discussions regarding the Review for 12 months from the date of completion. All information received by Sam Allen Associates as part of the Board Effectiveness Review process is treated with the strictest confidence and our internal policies are in place to continually review our procedures to ensure privacy and security for all candidates and clients. Further information can be read in our Privacy Policy. In the unlikely event of unlawful practices being uncovered within the project, Sam Allen Associates will work closely with the involved individuals, regulators and authorities to ensure the appropriate actions are taken.

Client disclosure

The onus remains with the company regarding the disclosure of the Board Effectiveness Review in its external reporting, in line with its responsibility to comply with the UK Corporate Governance Code. This wording should be agreed with Sam Allen Associates prior to publishing to ensure agreement from both parties on the methodology and actions arising from the exercise.
